Saturday, November 07, 2009


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Alenka said...

Kamnit most.
V naprstniku prsti
šopek sonca.

In kakšno krasno ogledalo ima!

Devika Jyothi said...

Ah, Lovely shot, Polona :)


quilly said...

This is wonderful. Nature never ceases to amaze.

polona said...

thank you all. it was a lovely surprise

get zapped said...

Superb capture. I love the abstract experience. Beautiful!

jem said...

Another grey and rainy day here, and I feel a lot like this little plant, I'm clinging on, and if I let go I might fall and drown. I've been away too long, I've missed your photos. So many great ones lately. They have been the brightest colour this morning. Thankyou as ever for sharing your views.