Tuesday, November 24, 2009

pretty in death

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Devika Jyothi said...

Yes,pretty they are....i wonder how i would be like....say, if no one sees me for a few days!! Oh GOD,

Nice photo, as always Polona :)


Alenka said...

Junija, ko sem nabirala čemaž nekje pri Horjulu, sem napisala:

Previsna skala.
Žarek sestopa v grapo
po pajčevini.

In tako nekateri izgorijo v svojem notranjem klicu in iskanju uresničitve svojih sanj. Tudi prejšnja fotka me spominja na Tomaža Humarja, o katerem sem sinoči in nocoj gledala oddajo.

Vse dobro ti želim, Polona, in te lepo pozdravljam, še z vtisi z Danske!

quilly said...

This is not death -- this is the launching of potential new life!

jem said...

Interesting that each of the little seed heads looks a bit like a white spider, and that some real spider has come along and webbed it.

polona said...

hmm... i'm not quite sure what you were saying, dev, but i know praise when i see it... thanks :)

alenka - o, si nazaj! joj, krasen haiku, in kako resnične besede.
hvala, in vračam pozdrave!

quilly - hmmm... there's not much potential left in this seed head. but you are right, of course

jem - what a unique observation... but i see the liking ;)