Sunday, February 14, 2010

this looks better than it really was...

a.k.a. totally sick of winter

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quilly said...

I have noticed that my camera seems to be very optimistic -- it can make even a gloomy day seem bright.

This is a lovely shot. I like the way you've framed the snow covered house & field with forest.

Devika Jyothi said...

Your a.k.a made me laugh Polona! :)

I liked the photo,:)


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Here the winter has packed up and the weather is superb! Thankfully!

I can quite understand how it feels to be enveloped only in shades of white and cold!

jem said...

It must be tough when you are sick of winter to trawl through your photos and find photos of it even when you are warm indoors. There's no escape.

Gillena Cox said...

hang in there; soon it will be spring

much love

polona said...

quilly - indeed, and the "i'm feeling lucky" button can help some more (not always, though)
glad you liked the shot - this one was taken at 300mm from my balcony

dev - well, it's making me cry ;)
but glad you liked

rak - i'm envious! and yes, it is dreary. here's hoping for some spring weather soon!

jem - i am a SAD sufferer (albeit in a milder form) and most of all i miss the sun!

gillena - i sure hope so.
thank you so much