Thursday, February 18, 2010

for want of something warm

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Devika Jyothi said...

WOW!! Beautiful Polona :)

You remain in my warm thoughts :)


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wow! This is superb! A very marked departure from the days of winter!

quilly said...

That's lovely. No wonder you are longing for it.

Iriz said...

it's summer here and when i saw your beautiful shot , i just want to get in to the photo and plunge.

great one! have a good day polona, i miss this page :)

get zapped said...

It looks inviting! I'll be right over :)

Unknown said...

looks like somewhere in Trinidad

much love

Magyar said...

__My 'dark morning chills' just faded! _m

Frank... said...

A cracking shot, Polona. Some colour after the grey of winter...

polona said...

dev - thank you. i really wish this miserable troll of a winter was over... i need some sun!!!

rak - nice, isn't it. the adriatic islands are beautiful when it's warm

quilly - definitely milder climate than here... although the winds can be nasty in the cold part of the year

iriz - can't wait for the summer!
or at least for this winter to be over...
thank you :)

get zapped - you'd better wait another few months before it warms up enough to be nice

gillena - this is the island Hvar off the croatian coast. and yes, it's beautiful (not so much in winter, though)

magyar - and brightening somebody's morning made my day :)

frank - unfortunatelly, only in my archives... still as grey and miserable as it gets - snow mixing with rain all day long and not a trace of blue sky for days...