Friday, February 12, 2010

fair weather?

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quilly said...

I love this photo! What incredible perspective. When I try this it never works out for me, but it just dawned on me that the background elements are just as crucial as the forground elements!

You rock, Polona, and you will probably never know exactly how much I have learned just from studying your photos. Thank you.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wonderful picture, but I hate the rains! They make me dull!

get zapped said...

Looks like Seattle weather! This is a fantastic shot. I love the texture created by the rain drops and contrast of old and new. Bravo!

Devika Jyothi said...

Fantastic shot, Polona :)

seems a fair weather to me :)


polona said...

quilly - wow, that is one of the finest compliments i can get :)
i'm glad you could learn something from my photos although i consider myself nothing but an amateur

rak - you have no idea how much i miss the sun

get zapped - i really do appreciate that. wasn't sure about this pic but the feedback proved i was right :)

dev - if this is fair weather for you, what do you consider foul weather? ;)

everybody: when this photo was taken it was snowing rather heavily. the grainy structure in the background are in fact snowflakes, and the droplets on the windscreen are also from the melted snow...

Gillena Cox said...

i'm sure yours is a cold rain; while where i am when it rains is still warm; like the angle of your photo; stay warm.

much love