Tuesday, January 05, 2010

toward snowflakes

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Devika Jyothi said...

This is like Jackson Pollock's painting....and make me want to try! :)

Fantastic shot, Polona :)


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Hmmmm, bone chilling winters!

quilly said...

It looks very, very cold, but still, biggied, it is quite lovely.

Frank... said...

A fantastic shot...

get zapped said...

Fascinating! I feel as though I'm swirling in a forest. Beautiful.

polona said...

dev - never thought about it that way but you have a point

rakesh - that depends, i reckon. not too cold in this case, just snowing lightly.

quilly - not really... just below freezing, and snowing lightly.

much appreciated, frank

get zapped - glad you liked :)

Alenka said...

Nekaj snežink.
V prepletu razprte
dlani dreves.