Friday, January 08, 2010


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get zapped said...

Winter wonderland!! It's so pretty!

quilly said...

Looks like a Christmas Card.


Now go back inside and warm up.

Magyar said...

__So nice to see nature's art on the naked limbs; seeing, looking through winter's window, can cause one to complain far less about its discomforts.
__Fine one Polona! _m

Alenka said...

Krasna fotka, posebno še, ko je v modrikastem odtenku.
Božično-novoletna dekoracija. Minljiva ...

Lep vikend, naj sneg ne bo pretežak, če ga moraš kidati. Naš avto je še pod odejo.
Pozdrav preko belih streh!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Looks like a fairy tale setting!

polona said...

get zapped - i wouldn't miss the snow if i never saw it again in RL

quilly - lovely to look at (and even that could be discussed), not lovely to live in. if only the sun came out...

magyar - yes, it helps a little to see the beauty of it. still, i strongly dislike winter

alenka - ja, par tednov prepozno...
avto je v garaži, kidajo nam drugi, ampak vseeno tega sploh ne maram!

rak - it does - in a photo. would much rather live somewhere warm

jem said...

I like the falling snow itself. It's like little holes punched in the photo. Each it so bright, like there is sunlight shining through from behind.