Wednesday, January 27, 2010


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Rakesh Vanamali said...


jem said...

I love the contrasts in this between the dark things, and the snow. It feels very tactile.

Alenka said...

Težko bi sliko opisala v 17 zlogih, jo pa občutim. Tudi že tisto, kar je zdaj še v zmrzali.

Previden naj bo korak po spolzki poti; in ne samo korak tega starejšega gospoda.

get zapped said...

What a cool shot! My eye moves easily and due to composition and curiosity.

polona said...

rak - it was, yes...

jem - i kind of liked the geometry... thank you

alenka - me veseli, da ti je slika spregovorila... in ne znam povedati, koliko sem sita te zime...

get zapped - yes, i think the objects make this...