Sunday, January 17, 2010


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Devika Jyothi said...

ha! like the way titled it, Polona :)


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Out of the world!!!!

Alenka said...

50:50. Stik. In končno sinjina, kajne!

Magyar said...

Fine parallel, relating the natural world to a plausible internet code... . _m

Masago said...

So many possible contexts from this conjure up in my mind...

polona said...

dev - ha, you're getting used to my abstract captions :)

rak - nah,just out of the flat :)

alenka - ja, vsaj malo... paše kot bronhi :)

magyar - actually, just the lack of ideas for. but it seemed to be working :)

masago - funny how a very simple image can stir imagination