Tuesday, March 09, 2010

oh no, not snow again!

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quilly said...

I love your bird atop trees shots. How do you get them to do that?!

Snow? We had snow yesterday. For the first time in about 7 years, snow touched my body! Argh!

Rakesh Vanamali said...


Art Is Life, Life Is Art said...


Magyar said...

Yes, Polona, those tree-top bird photos as Quilly has pointed to... all well done! _m

Gillena Cox said...

i like the bird looking bac toward the winter

much love

polona said...

quilly - simple - there's a linden tree (two, actually) growing in front of my balcony (still, it must be about 15 m distance) and the birds tend to perch on it. when i'm lucky, i get a shot - most of them badly lit and blurry but occasionaly some turn out reasonably well ;)

rak - thank you :)

art is life... thanks :)

magyar - much appreciated, thanks; please see comment to quilly

gillena - you have no idea how sick i am of winter... thank you for your support :)

Nicole said...

Yes, Polona, those tree-top bird photos as Quilly has pointed to... all well done! _m