Friday, December 25, 2009

a week too early

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quilly said...

T'was the week before Christmas and all through the town,
Little flakes of white stuff came drifting down ...

So, it is gone now? The only week you want to be white is the only one that won't be all winter .... Isn't that the way it goes?

Alenka said...

a vendar še vedno v očeh
te bele poti


Rakesh Vanamali said...


Iriz said...

great shot!!!

happy holidays polona!!! *hugz*

polona said...

quilly - ecxactly. although i hope the rest of winter won't be all white...

alenka - lepo je pa bilo, dokler je trajalo... še jaz topriznam, pa ne maram zime

rakesh - thank you

iriz - thank you
and happy holidays to you, too