Friday, December 11, 2009

i'm so tired

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Devika Jyothi said...

YOU said it for me, Polona :)

Comeback will you...and add some colour to our lives :)


ps: okay, i could be wrong about the other :)

quilly said...

Me, too! I just want some peace and solitude to gather my thoughts!

Alenka said...

In jaz prav zdaj - sama - uživam ob novembrskih slikah labodov z Danske in decembrskih z Zbilja ter ob slikah (in haikujih) z letošnjega morja.

v tujini ali doma

Galeb tudi ... Pravzaprav bi morala tretjo vrstico zapisati z velikimi črkami.

Polona, lep vikend ti želim! Bo verjetno tudi malo pobeljen ...

polona said...

it's been hectic around here lately, so...
neither the time nor the weather for new photos so i guess i'll have to take a break from posting pics
you were, dev, but no problem ;)

quilly - seems the times are crazy... i hope you get some peace and quiet soon but i don't suppose it will be possible until you are settled in the new home

alenka - res je, povsod jih je lepo opazovati...
hvala ti in lep vikend tudi tebi

jem said...

Love the contrast of the curves of the swan and the angles and straight lines of the wood. Well caught without disturbing the swans snooze!