Wednesday, December 09, 2009

feeding time

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Magyar said...

Gentle thoughts arise. _m

Devika Jyothi said...

WOW! so think that the fed is also food!

strange thoughts arise in me this mornings, as against Magyar's 'gentle thoughts' --

leave it Polona, just very cynical sometimes....good photo :)


quilly said...

How beautiful and tender.

polona said...

this pleases me, magyar...

you actually made me laugh, dev - these cuties are actually bred for food but they are allowed to roam freely through a vast area...

quilly - it was a lovely experience. the guys in the pic are female mouflons, half-wild but used to humans

Alenka said...

Za pobožat!
A pri jedi ima .... rad mir.

No, virtualno sem ju pobožala že nekajkrat, ne samo nocoj. Naj ju preveč ne zebe, ko pride zima!