Sunday, October 25, 2009

yet another sunset

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Alenka said...

Ptice in ljudje
na 'mostu' med
svetlobo in temo ...

Za luč novega dneva!

Lep kontrast, Polona.

Devika Jyothi said...

A poetic, yet a very lively shot, Polona :)


Rakesh Vanamali said...


Iriz said...


quilly said...

Oh, I love the silhouettes, especially the birds!

get zapped said...

poignant light. moving imagery.

polona said...

thank you all. for once i was in the right place at the right time for a set of pics in great light

anyone noticed the reflection of a bird in the canal?

Alenka said...

O, hvala, da si povedala. Sploh nisem vedela, da je to kanal, sem pa ugibala, kaj je.

Ja, odsev ptice, še toliko lepše!

polona said...

tale in predhodni dve so iz strunjanskih solin. verjetno pride še kakšna... svetloba je bila res fenomenalna tisto pozno septembrsko popoldne

get zapped said...

yes, i did.