Wednesday, October 07, 2009


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Anonymous said...

Polona, dober večer!

Sem te po dolgem dopustu redno obiskovala. Krasne fotke si nanizala.

Nocoj sem prebrala tvoje sporočilo. Naj ti tu zaželim, da znova najdeš svoj mir in v njem ustvarjalni nemir za vse lepo, kar tvoje oko in srce znata in zmoreta zaznati in ubesediti! Poezija, ko se vrne navdih, je posebne vrste uteha. Pazi nase, drži se!

Lepo te pozdravljam,


quilly said...

Cold, hard, stone? Or promised protection?

Devika Jyothi said...

Better to say "rocks," Polona :)

And it rocks too...i mean the photo and caption :)


Janice Thomson said...

The different textures in this are really neat. Is the roof made of rock slabs too?

polona said...

thanks, guys.
a typical dalmatian house of the olden times... i focused on the detail for the lack of wide angle and limited space but only noticed the yellowish 'rock' graffiti (hence the title) when i looked at the photo on the computer oherwise i would not cut it slightly at the bottom.
and yes, the roof slates are also rock (limestone)

Anonymous said...

Zakaj pa ne:)