O, Polona, še ena taka fotka, ko ob njej vzdihnem! Res čudovita. Poletno, pa je videti kot zimska pokrajina v miniaturi.
With you the exceptional is common place. As always, you take my breath away.
WOW! what a shot, enlarged it....awesome Polona :)wishes, devika
Whooooo! Illusions!
if i manage to take somebody's breath away in two languages, there must be something to it.thank you all, i am pleased that you like this miniature
simply profound.
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O, Polona, še ena taka fotka, ko ob njej vzdihnem! Res čudovita. Poletno, pa je videti kot zimska pokrajina v miniaturi.
With you the exceptional is common place. As always, you take my breath away.
WOW! what a shot,
enlarged it....awesome Polona :)
Whooooo! Illusions!
if i manage to take somebody's breath away in two languages, there must be something to it.
thank you all, i am pleased that you like this miniature
simply profound.
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