Saturday, April 12, 2008

a threat

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Janice Thomson said...

Wow what a stunning sky. Awesome capture.

Bart Treuren said...

perhaps it's a threat but also a promise... the dark of the clouds against the clarity of the blue clearing and the brilliance of the whiteness leave wonderful contrasts in the mind...

do you use a polarizing filter to enhance the sky or any other special techniques? you have some good quality photos here at moments...

keep well...

polona said...

well, thank you as always, janice!

bart: actually, it started to rain 20 minutes after i had taken this photo... the weather here is boring at the moment.
but i agree, these cloud formations were quite stunning before they disappeared into all-pervading greyness.

actually, i do use a polarizing filter on my all round lens quite often but i didn't take my dslr on this particular walk. so this and the following photo (as well as the previous one) were taken with my compact canon and only slightly enhanced in PS.

Stacey said...

You are a very talented photographer, this photo is amazing!

Kostas said...

Splendid opposition, in the clouds the eye of Lord awake!

jem said...

From my cloud book I should be able to scientifically identify whats going on in this photo. But I get caught up in the poetry and the art of the cloudlife and let the science parts slip by me. Great photo. There seems to be quite a communication going on in these clouds.

polona said...

stacey: thank you but all credit goes to nature :)

kostas: it looked better in nature than it doe in the photo... thank you

jem: it's quite amazing how clouds can draw you in with their fantastic display... this scene occurred shortly before the rain